Women’s Ministry
Charis Women’s Bible Study
Thursdays at 9 am
Questions? Call the church office at (763) 479-2373.
Group leaders are Joan Murphy & Becky KenKnight.
Group leaders are Joan Murphy & Becky KenKnight.
Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study at 6:30 pm
Currently on Break
Currently on Break
We will be reading the book, You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times, by Max Lucado. There is a DVD included. Max Lucado encourages readers through sharing the Biblical story of Joseph. Stripped of his identity, thrown into a pit and sold as a slave, his was a story of defeat and challenges, but as time passed God worked through his circumstances to bring redemption and reconciliation. And although it may seem hard to believe, you will get through this too.
WWedednesd Evening
CLW has several fund-raising events throughout the year. Funds raised are put into a Benevolence Fund and the Women of CLW vote each year as to where these funds are distributed, which can be needs within the church, local missions or international outreach.
CLW Fundraisers include:
New and Used Sale – This sale is held in September, and includes new and used clothing, jewelry, household goods, sporting equipment, books, tools and some furniture.
Silent Auction – This event is held in October for three weeks and offers everyone an opportunity to bid on many beautiful and useful donated items.
To join CLW or for a calendar of upcoming events
contact the church office.
Christ Lutheran Women
“We open our hearts to God by worshiping and hearing his word. We serve Him and worship in work by extending our hospitality to others and sharing His word.”
Our membership is comprised of all the women of Christ Lutheran Church. We invite every woman to join us and share in the joy we experience when serving God and others!
Some of the ministry opportunities we offer……
Quilters: If you are interested in a great fellowship group, this ministry is for you! A dedicated group of ladies of all ages meets at 9 a.m., every Monday morning from September through May. There have been hundreds of beautiful quilts made which have been donated all over the world and also given to our graduating seniors and as gifts for other special occasions. Coffee, goodies and fellowship are always included! No sewing skill is required – if you can tie a knot or use a scissors, you’re in!
Ronald McDonald House Meal: Each spring we send a group of women (and men) to go to one of our local Ronald McDonald Houses to serve a meal to the families staying there. We raise money to purchase the food through raffles and donations from the congregation. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve out in the community.
Funeral Meals: A great group of women and men come together whenever there is the need for funeral meals in our congregation. We have people who volunteer to make phone calls, provide bars or cookies, prepare and serve the meal and clean up. It is a wonderful fellowship opportunity and a ministry that is very much appreciated by the families.
Lucia Tea: This fun potluck dinner “kicks off” the Christmas season! We exchange small gifts with our prayer partners from the previous year and draw for new partners for the coming year.